Love You So Sweetly: Love You So Book 4, Tara Lain

This was...way too similar to Love You So Madly.  A rich guy and a poor guy, one in a committed relationship for most of the story, an insanely fast turnaround from breakup to in love with the other MC, remaking a life/location for the relationship extremely soon after getting together as a grand gesture...far too many similarities and very little transition between the relationships to make either believable.

Unlike Ben making an effort to be around and involve Dusty in a lot of his life, in Remy's case he spent so long dithering and also sending Harper to other admins and departments that he didn't actually have more than a passing acquaintance with the man in order to develop the kind of love they're professing by the end.  I just didn't buy it.  And with almost a deus ex machina saving of Windy Pines that magically solved Merced's grocery business it was just too much with too few pages to do any of it any justice.

I liked the story overall, it wasn't complicated, but it was convoluted and way too rushed to find it truly enjoyable enough to recommend.  My least favorite of the series by far.  Not a bad story, just not one for me.

*$4.99 on Amazon

Can he read his future in a glass of sweet tea?

Remy’s a sophisticated LA billionaire.
Harper’s a rural Arkansas, small town boy.
Remy’s rich.
Harper’s poor.
Remy has a girlfriend.
Harper has a boyfriend.
Harper’s gay.
So’s Remy, he just doesn’t know it yet.

In a desperate effort to save Remy’s family business, the two join forces, but before they can forge a future—they have to let go of the past.

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