Love You So Madly: Love You So Book 2, Tara Lain

I was glad to see Craig and Jesse from Love You So Hard. Craig's unassuming manner and sweet nature made for a great confidante, encouraging Ben to open up and share and Jesse's exuberance, intelligence, and acceptance made for a safe place for Ben to express his vulnerabilities. Ben really needed that kind of sounding board because his head and heart was in turmoil for much of the story.

Since we spent so long with Ben trying to get him to a place where he could make decisions for his future there was very little time spent on actually growing a relationship between him and Dusty. But even then the decision wasn't made until nearly the end of the story and then it was a mad rush to the finish with a lot of happy-sketchy situations.

Not sketchy like creepy, but sketchy like unbelievable. Sure Dusty has real-world experience with what he's hired on to direct, but that's not enough. Yes, we know Dusty and can see he'd strive hard to do what's asked and expected of him, but we know nothing of what actually qualifies him for the position beyond those two things. Physical condition and a good work ethic doesn't always breed success when you're vastly unqualified for a job. Add in what Ben did for Dusty and his mother after knowing them only a little while and you've got a whole "just accept that this is a fairy tale" vibe going on.

I mean, this whole thing was way too Cinderella for me complete with a sassy fairy Godmother from Arkansas waving her magic wand made from $100 bills. If this story was marketed that way I'd be a little more accepting, but to say it's a corporate guy falling for a handyman...that's just a lot more involved than something more like a fairy tale revamping. It was a sweet story overall, it just needed a whole lot more balance and depth to be believable.

*$2.99 on Amazon

What does it mean when you have it all ... and you’d like to give some of it back?

Ben Shane’s a hard-working guy, deeply committed to an important job.
Dusty Kincaid is a hard-working guy who happens to be Ben’s handyman.

Ben’s chafing against his engagement to a super-wealthy man who makes him feel like a trophy wife – but is he really going to give up a partner who drives a Ferrari for one who takes the bus?

Dusty has challenges Ben can’t begin to imagine, and the world thinks they’re crazy. But face it. From the beginning, this love has been a little bit mad.

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