Worth Waiting For, Wendy Qualls

Worth Waiting For, Wendy Qualls

This was a touching story of two men who were given a second chance to find happiness after a long time apart.  Neither knew they'd find one another again and thought their past was just a great memory and also a great secret.  With a lot to lose, they take a chance.  Unfortunately, other people do whatever they can to tear them apart.

The way they find resolution was a bit over-the-top as well as the big forced reveal, but their chemistry was there.  Something that was not so awesome was the lack of depth for either man.  We have reason to be interested in these men but they're not truly flushed out, they're basic and have superficial reactions to everything.

There's also a hint of chemistry there, both are obviously attracted to one another, but as for actual passion that connects the two men and makes me believe in a future?  Nah, not so much.  Paul is a bit schizophrenic with his reaction to intimacy and sex and Brandon swings from being understanding to pushy.  Both of them needed to find some kind of happy medium and I feel like neither of them do by the end of the story.

And then the stalker thing was predictable and was more build-up than anything else.  This could have been given more thought and execution because as it stands, it feels like trumped up drama to bring interest to a very simple story.  The story needed interest, but I don't feel the stalker thing was it.  It wasn't even a good way to bring the two MC's together.

Overall, this was an okay book that could have used a crap ton of editing and formatting fixes because my copy (as well as lots of others, it looks like) got stuck with some huge errors and issues that distracted me while reading.  It also needed more polish and thought as to what could really drive and keep Paul and Brandon together.

I will say this, though.  When Brandon talks to Paul about his feelings about God's position on his sexuality I really liked Paul's thoughts.  He thought them out, came to a place where he knew God was more about love than punishing His own creations.  That alone pushed the story from 2.5 stars to 3 for me.  Thank you, NetGalley, for the interesting read.

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