Gay Romance Holiday Collection, Keira Andrews

Gay Romance Holiday Collection by [Andrews, Keira]

Eight Nights in December: 4 stars
Both MC's were soft and sweet as was their passion.  It was immature because of their age, but not in the way it made me feel all warm and fuzzy inside.  Both characters had a lot of growing to do and it's clear that they're given the best possible start with foundations of love, good family, and a faith system that provided tradition and community.  I do wish there had been an alternating POV, but Nate's issues and feelings were relatively obvious so I could forgive that.  Theirs was free of any external angst and the internal issues were rectified really quickly by well-meaning family so the overall feel of the story was light and fluffy.  The epilogue was absolutely perfect for them and showed an immense amount of family love, connection, and happiness that would be anything anyone could hope for.

In Case of Emergency: 3.5 stars
With a slow start and an unnecessary amount of meddling and ridiculousness from the would-be boyfriend, this wasn't my favorite of the bunch.  But then things started deepening and progressing between the MC's and then a whole load of sweetness came rushing in and really brought the story to a better place.  I think the demi bit was slightly contrived and simplistically explained, but other than that, the rest of the story flowed well and gave a great sense of connection between the men.  The ending was very sweet and just right for the MC's.

Santa Daddy: 4 stars
This was a cute story that had a lot of steam and I liked it all.  Getting to know both men and seeing how they changed and grew to become better men by the end as well as more settled was an absolute pleasure.  I even liked the interjected thoughts from Eric's perspective that helped Nick to come to terms with all that stretched him beyond his comfort zone.  It was snarky, tempting, and quite amusing at times.  With a couple of solid side characters to add depth and breadth to the story I was completely sold.

Where the Lovelight Gleams: 3 stars
Another family for the win.  These two MC's really need the support of family being stuck in the Hollywood spotlight.  The sexual chemistry between them really works, but the emotional one felt lacking.  I would have liked an alternating POV because there was quite a bit of internal conflict, withheld feelings, aborted sentiments, and rash reactions on both of their parts.  While the ending was very sweet and brought us full-circle, the lead-up was a bit rough and didn't give me the same lovely feelings I got with all the rest of the stories in this collection.

*$4.99 on Amazon
 Gay Romance Holiday Collection, Keira Andrews

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