Twisted Bond: The Holly Woods Files Mysteries Book 1, Emma Hart

Twisted Bond (The Holly Woods Files Mysteries Book One) by [Hart, Emma]

Can you say a murder mystery is fun?  Is that too weird?  Possibly disturbing?  Well, whatever, because this one is.  The heroine really is a heroine; she can take care of herself and does.  She owns all that she is...well, everything but the proper name for what she feels for Drake Nash.  Noelle is a spitfire, in that she spits fire at anyone who thinks she can't handle herself or her business.  The way she commands respect is straight-up bitchy but so badass that I'm equally annoyed and charmed by her.  Honestly though, I think I love her.

There were so many tangled webs in this one that had me questioning everything.  Even after having a feeling who the villain is, I still questioned that maybe, just maybe, the culprit would be a surprise.  The way all the pieces were brought out kept me mostly guessing until it turned out that my gut was right.  Their reasoning, however, was a bit of a predictable shock because it was a pretty cliche reason for doing what they did and a surprise that it was so neatly wrapped up.  I found that quite unsatisfactory, especially the level of brutality heaped on the bodies, as well as too simplistic.  One person tied them all together in a way that worked, but it was just too neat for all the crazy that surrounded the circumstances everyone had to wade through.

In regards to the romantic aspect of the book, I was bothered by the expressions of hatred that dominated Drake and Noelle's encounters.  The incredible chemistry and the explosive nature of their "discussions" was palpable and aside from Noelle owning how she felt about his hotness, for them to keep things in the realm of maintaining their hate-on for one another was disappointing.  While I understand that it's difficult to get multiple books out of one relationship to "balance" the homicidal surprises, I don't think the level they took it was healthy or all that enjoyable after a while.  I was loving their banter, bickering, wit, and sniping...until it was apparent that it was never going to end.  I'm hoping they express some softer, more tender feelings with honesty and true introspection in the next book because if we keep up with the hate for another whole novel before we get to the happier feels?  Can't say I'm thrilled with that prospect.

It was the family that made this book hilarious.  Their dynamic was chaotic, humorous, supportive, and incredibly special.  So many moments of heart and love balanced by typical sibling competition and teasing.  I'm absolutely coming back for more so I can get more of them.  I'm also incredibly curious how things with Noelle's office will come together too.  There's a ton to love about the direction of this series and I'm more than willing to go along for the ride at this point.

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 Twisted Bond: The Holly Woods Files Mysteries Book 1, Emma Hart

"I’m an Italian-Texan woman in a family full of cops. I’m passionate and shoot before I think. You only f*ck with me if you’re stupid."

Photograph cheating spouses. Hand over the evidence. Cash my check.
That was my plan when I returned home to Holly Woods, Texas, and became a private investigator.

Finding the dead body in my dumpster? Yeah… Given the choice, I think I would have opted out of that little discovery, especially since all three of my brothers are cops. And my Italian grandmother is sure the reason I’m single is because of my job.

Of course, my connection to the victim is entirely coincidental. Until I’m hired by her husband to investigate her murder and shoved bang-smack into the path of Detective Drake Nash. My nemesis, a persistent pain in my ass, and one hell of a sexy son of a bitch.

Shame he still holds a grudge from that time I shot him in the foot twelve years ago, or we could have something. In another life.

So now all I have to do is avoid my nonna’s blind dates, try not to blackmail my brothers into giving me confidential police files, and absolutely do not point my gun at Drake Nash. Or kiss him. Or jump his bones.

All while I hunt down the killer.

Sounds totally simple—until a second body proves that sometimes things that start as coincidences don’t always end up that way…

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