- Sweet Revenge, River Laurent
- The Alpha's Vow: Iriador Chronicles Book 1, Colbie Dunbar
- Falling into Love: Family Found Book 1, Kris T. Bethke and Nell Iris
![Sweet Revenge: A curvy girl romance by [Laurent, River]](https://images-na.ssl-images-amazon.com/images/I/51QOMv5RJdL.jpg)
We get one chapter from Ace's POV and I'll be honest, it's shallow and just not enough. I like Ace, actually, but the first impression we get of him is an unsatisfied man who's tired of temporary but quickly gets distracted by luscious curves and then his inner monologue devolves into a lot of superficial dirty thoughts. There's nothing wrong with dirty thoughts and being physically attracted to someone, but when it becomes the only thing on your mind, we're left to wonder if there's anything of substance to hold the interest. Thankfully that changes and he shows his heart. We get it all through Dawn's POV, which is mostly fine because it's about her and her transformation and moment of revenge, but I would have liked something a bit more balanced. Aside from that, it was equally hot and sweet for a short story about a curvy girl and her vanilla bean-flavored revenge. 3.5 stars.
![The Alpha's Vow: An Alpha/Omega Mpreg (Idriador Chronicles Book 1) by [Dunbar, Colbie]](https://images-na.ssl-images-amazon.com/images/I/51RB2XRVVvL.jpg)
This is my first book by this author and I have a feeling that further stories from this series will redeem the first book as they fill in the details, expand on those details, and introduce a solid cast...but as it stands right now, I'm not loving it. I feel like I do want to read more because I think I could love these characters, I just feel so distant from them in addition to the character flaws that are so very glaring. Overall, I'm not a fan. But I could definitely be convinced to finish the series. 2 stars.
![Falling into Love (Family Found Book 1) by [Bethke, Kris T., Iris, Nell]](https://images-na.ssl-images-amazon.com/images/I/51ta4gnvsML.jpg)
They are both direct and honest right from the start. I appreciated Liam's honesty with himself and Avery about his feelings and intentions. There was no angst, just a little hesitation on Avery's part. Avery's lack of swearing is cute at first but becomes cheesy in its repetitiveness -- mostly because of the multiple times he says "holy [insert pasta name here]". If it were a little more creative it would seem far less gimmicky. The whole overall feeling was giddy, sweet, and a bit adolescent in its emotional expression. Neither man felt as old as they were described as being. Steam-wise, however, it was absolutely not lacking. The table parts were my favorites. Even better than the gooey-sweet confessions. There was also just enough background information and interactions with the side cast to make me incredibly interested in their own stories. Hints were dropped effectively so they weren't too vague, they created interest and not frustration or drama. 3.5 stars.
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