Undefeated, Jane Harvey-Berrick and Stuart Reardon

Undefeated by [Reardon, Stuart, Harvey-Berrick, Jane]

A man on the cusp of a bigger arena for his rugby dreams, a woman on the cusp of her career finally taking off, together they have the makings of greatness and incredible passion.  But it's when their pasts come back to threaten them that their inner-strength and determination to fight will be tested.  Will they remain together, unbroken, and undefeated?  Or will their love be their demise?

The development of the relationship was organic, natural, and very sweet.  I loved their playful banter and their email and text conversations were the absolute best.  There was chemistry, trust, and love from their very beginning.  Well, the love came later, but the foundation for their love was strong, passionate, and tender.  I was absolutely in love with this couple.

 Undefeated, Jane Harvey-Berrick and Stuart Reardon

The drama, however, was much, much, MUCH bigger than I was expecting.  While I was thinking that it would just be about Nick overcoming his injury and mindset that followed his struggles it ended up being so much more than that.  I can't say that I enjoyed watching everything shatter around them multiple times, but I will say that it did make the theme and title of the story much deeper and more profound.  To literally lose everything you felt your life meant and to come out on the other side undefeated.

I enjoyed Anna despite her fear and the frustration that came with clinging to her career more than love at one point.  Her cowardice made her run the first time and her fear made her unable to use her training and affection for Nick to help him see that something proactive needed to be done to save her, her career, and their relationship.  I admired her strength and even after she fell apart I couldn't dislike her or pity her.  She had immense struggles and needed Nick to do more than what he did.

Nick was surprisingly humble and full of heart where I was expecting someone cocky and full of hubris.  His do-nothing attitude regarding Molly after his initial rage-fueled berserker binge was disappointing.  I get the first time where he decided that he just wanted to be done with Molly and Kenny but when Anna was threatened on numerous occasions because of their jobs, their relationship, and his jealous ex I couldn't help but be disappointed.  To constantly make Anna feel like she was blowing things out of proportion was a selfish move that ultimately cost her her professional life and reputation as well as their romance.

 Undefeated, Jane Harvey-Berrick and Stuart Reardon

He was pretty immature about it until near the end when he realized that there would be only one thing he could do for her and that was to support her from afar and assure her of his commitment to her.  That moment was very sweet and full redemption.  Anna redeemed from her cowardice, fear, and determined loneliness, Nick from his inaction, selfishness, and immaturity, and them together, their relationship rising from the ashes.

Ending with hope, boldness, tenderness, love, and so much happiness, Nick and Anna found what they weren't sure they could ever attain.  Success and love.  Undefeated by everything that was bent on destroying them.

*$3.99 on Amazon!
 Undefeated, Jane Harvey-Berrick and Stuart Reardon

*Meet Stuart Reardon, the rugby player on the cover and co-author of the book...
Stuart Reardon
Stuart is a retired England International Rugby League Player who's career spanned 20 years. He played for various top Rugby League teams throughout his career. 
He is now a personal trainer with a successful online fitness programme called Fear Nothing Fitness or FNF. You can find details on his web page of the fitness program and all other info on Stu. 
He Is well know in the book world as a cover model and graces over 30 book's and now he is an Author. He has co-written Undefeated with Jane Harvey-Berrick with a second book due out in 2018.

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