Remember When, Harper Logan

Remember When by [Logan, Harper]

Amnesia is a tricky thing and Cuke's situation is made more complicated by the warmth in his roommate's stare, the hand-holding and touching, and the surprise that during the three years he can't seem to remember he came out, has a hot boyfriend, and is somehow a completely different person.

Bouj is confused by the guy who he's shared his house and friendship with.  They've been best friends and roommates for years and for some reason the guy he knew isn't the guy he knows.  And his concern for him is morphing into something more, something deeper.  It wouldn't hurt to pretend they're a couple, at least until he gets his memory back, right?

Watching their fumbling and Bouj's surprising acceptance of their new dynamic is both unrealistic and wonderful.  I love how deep they get and how Bouj's new reality is the right one.  They're sweet, cute, and hot together.

I do find, however, that there's a certain lack of depth to the story.  Not that they're not dealing with deep feelings or situations and that there aren't complications at almost every turn, it's just that there's something that's missing to really make the story sink deep and resonate with me.

The story takes a far more dramatic turn than I was expecting but if we're looking for a reason behind Cuke's personality flip there's not a lot that could top his situation.  I'm glad that there's was no instant patch and that Cuke's family situation ended on a positive, healing note rather than a completely resolved one because that would be unrealistic in real life.  I also really like the mechanic stop where we see Adrian and Chandler.  I haven't read their story but even just this little moment makes me want to read both Long Haul and Long Shot.

The love and devotion between Bouj and Cuke is sweet, tender, and passionate.  While they begin tentatively and a bit immature because of their age, their decision to remain honest, upfront, and together was heartwarming.  A good story with a couple unexpected twists and turns for a college-age romance between an amnesiac and a first-time-gay guy.

*$1.60 on Amazon or FREE on KU!
 Remember When, Harper Logan

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