Wayward Love: Cedar Cove Book 2, Rhys Everly

Wayward Love: A grumpy/sunshine small town romance (Cedarwood Beach Book 2) by [Rhys Everly]

I'm a huge fan of May/December relationships and with a premise promising an intelligent, driven young man and an older man that needs new perspective and life breathed into his existence, I had high, high hopes for this story.  I'll admit that I'm less of a fan of the author's stories under their other pen name and I figured I'd give them another chance.  I wish it had worked out.

Kyle had exuberance that he let run away with him at every single turn.  For being so smart he was so very unaware of his impetuousness and both men would have greatly benefitted from some good old fashioned communication.  Andy's stick needed to be removed for sure and sometimes it takes a bit of steamrolling to make him see the light, but Andy was stubbornly awful about everything because he was uncomfortable.

And then there was the relationship.  Kyle's assertion that it's just for fun is something that always comes back to bite everyone and his impetuous nature had him promising things and then blowing up when he just needed to stand still and see things from another perspective for five minutes.  Andy's excuses about keeping things special and therefore secret is the same in that it always gets revealed in the worst way and this was completely avoidable, but he was more selfish than all the rest for unsustainable reasons.  Countless times he was shown love and support for the possibility between him and Kyle and he continually shot it down because he hid behind the disapproval of his children.  As a parent, children's feelings are absolutely taken into account when navigating a new relationship, but to allow adult children to dictate your adult relationship is beyond ridiculous.  Nope, just a big fat nope all around.

The grand gesture had sweet moments, but it was nearly ruined by impulsiveness on both sides, yet again.  I know my opinion is in the minority for this book and I feel awful about that, but there's just no denying that the relationship was dysfunctional, the adults acted more like children, acceptance was demurred as often as it was spat on, and straightforward honesty was thin on the ground.

*$5.99 on Amazon
 Wayward Love: Cedar Cove Book 2, Rhys Everly

He’s a ray of sunshine, but he’s my son’s best friend.
My life has had three modes since my wife passed away.

And work.

And I’m not even any good at that.

Unless I find the money I owe everyone, only a miracle can keep my bar afloat.

Until he comes into my life.
Kyle Brady. 
I’ve never looked at another man the same way I look at him. 

It’s a dangerous feeling.
Somehow I’m roped into letting him help my business and he wants to fix everything.

Including my broken heart.
Want to know how?
Read now and find out.

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