Just My Luck, Alice Winters

Just My Luck by [Alice Winters]

I knew I'd enjoy the story overall, mostly because I adore this author's writing, but this story had a much different feel than others because it was darker and had quite a few elements that needed time and care to get to the answers and the healing.  For the issues to be tackled adequately as well as maintaining the comedic flair that makes Alice's stories all their own wasn't easy, but I think it was done well.  I fell in love with both characters, was charmed by the dog, and was definitely happy with the ending.

Killian came across as both immature and intelligent at the same time while also being oblivious and giving us a sense that he was hiding something too.  He was kind of complicated in a way I didn't expect.  And his atrocious upbringing that we got in the flashbacks made me ache for him over and over again.  He didn't grow up easy.  I think it made him an even more understanding and perfect partner for Shepherd.

The humorous moments that came from Shepherd were a bit unexpected, but surprisingly perfect for who we learn he is.  He's damaged, definitely, but I didn't predict how he reacted to the choices he was forced to make when he was young.  Part of me is torn that he found a way to be intimate with Killian because trauma doesn't always have such an easy transition.  It wasn't really easy, but the lighter moment where he realized what he felt for Killian and what he felt previously was miles apart felt easy.  So while I'm a little conflicted about that, there's an overwhelming part of me that thought that moment was necessary for both men and that it was logical yet full of feeling.

Even though there is a bit of a loose end with the father and the consequences he faced, the end bit with Killian and Shepherd was all kinds of lovely.  It was tender, funny, and exactly what I'd needed to read about their tumultuous journey.  Their happiness was hard-won in the face of all the danger that sought them and when Shepherd's playfulness met with Killian's sass and amusing excuses it all came together.  It was my kind of story, the kind that I could willingly re-read and recommend, which I do, whole-heartedly.

*$4.99 on Amazon
 Just My Luck, Alice Winters

When I’m tossed into the trunk of a car, I realize that what little luck I have has finally run out—especially when I find that Tony, the man who’d abducted me, is planning on using me to get back at my father. My chances for escape look pretty bleak when I’m handcuffed to Tony’s bodyguard, an intimidating man named Shepherd who apparently loves tight shirts and seems to be amused by making my life miserable. Soon, though, I learn that Shepherd has a heart and a brain. And sometimes, those two things can be a bigger weapon than anything in a time like this. I just have to learn how to wield them.

After Shepherd gets me away from Tony’s men, I discover that he’s a survivor, a fighter, and the only person who seems willing to help me when it feels like the whole world is against me. At first, I’m not sure if I can trust the man, but the more we get to know each other, the more I realize that he’s funny and kind of sweet. He’s determined to protect me, but he doesn’t know all of my secrets. He doesn’t know that Tony isn’t the only one looking for me. But together, as we face betrayal and taking down the worst monster of all, we’re determined that we will be the lucky ones after all.

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