Trusting Fate: A Collection of Strays Book 4, Toby Wise

Trusting Fate (A Collection of Strays Book 4) by [Wise, Toby]

We finally get to Cameron's story.  Present Cameron is meeting Future Cameron head on and with a mate complication he never truly expected.  He'll need two alphas to ground him, but only if he allows himself to need them.  Both Jace and River have a hurdle to get over and what they couldn't have anticipated would be that the hurdle is actually their third himself.

I wish there were more of each of the men, especially River.  I felt that aside from Cameron's need to grow, to soften, and to accept himself for all that he is, River was the one who was the biggest mystery.  His trauma was sufficiently big and not enough attention was given to it, I felt, and his evolution where he finds peace isn't really shown aside from an incredibly sweet scene where he and Cam cuddle in a cupboard.

And what Cameron is...that's pretty intriguing all on its own.  I definitely wanted more of what he is, what they do, why they are, and the implications for his purpose.  Grounding him with two mates was definitely necessary and I loved how that was shown, I just wanted more.

Seeing Cam's soft side and how he truly connected all three of them together was absolutely wonderful.  I think the story really would have benefitted from being longer.  It's always tricky with a triad because there's a whole other perspective that needs as much page time as the others for the audience to really connect with and to understand them.  I liked them all, but only felt truly connected to Cam because he was a presence in all the other stories.  All three men needed more page time because I wasn't really ready to let them go by the end.

*$2.99 on Amazon
 Trusting Fate: A Collection of Strays Book 4, Toby Wise

This wasn’t supposed to be in the cards for me, yet here I am, with not one but two mates. Lady Fate has a sick sense of humor that apparently rivals my own. Looks like it’s Present Cameron’s problem now. ~ Cameron

My near constant state of mind is worry. Can you blame me when I have two beautiful and amazing mates in my life? They’re quick to reassure me and with their help, just maybe I can learn to trust that Lady Fate knew what she was doing bringing us together. ~ River

I never imagined anything being as special as meeting River, until I met Cameron. River is my gentle giant, Cameron a sassy menace, and my heart is instantly charmed. They complete me while encouraging me to be the best version of myself. It’s easy to see why Lady Fate pushed us together. ~ Jace

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