Fight for This: For This Book 1, Suki Fleet

Fight For This by [Fleet, Suki]

Wow.  There are so many things going on in this story that I don't exactly know where to begin.  Two men really want each other's love but can't seem to feel deserving enough to be honest about their feelings and desires.  If they can figure out how to get what they truly want, and manage to save the school and country at the same time, they'll have their forever made.  But nothing ever comes that easily when power and arrogance stand in the way.

I can definitely get behind the premise of their supernatural identities being reasons as to their supposed undeserving-ness, mostly because we all know they're going to be perfect for one another once they lay it all out there, but what got a bit too much for me were the number of uncorrrected misunderstandings until it was almost too much for them to move beyond.  There was a bit lacking when it came to something concrete to bind them together because even when they begin to make progress, the roadblocks kept them from moving forward and also distracted them from completing what their souls most craved.

There were quite a few interesting characters introduced and while a couple of them played a major role near the end, they were minor up to that point and when they came on page with a big ol' bang it pulled focus and distracted from the MC's getting done what needed to get done.  It was all a bit too chaotic for me at this point to really follow along clearly.  The chaos began before that point actually, and I kept wondering why we were going along with one thing only to jump to doing something else...there wasn't much of a linear or logical flow when the crazy started.  I think my issue there was that it wasn't just plot craziness, it was a lack of flow and crazy for crazy's sake and it wasn't effective to telling the story or getting us to the romantic conclusion either.

Overall I felt like I was missing something so much of the time that I had a difficult time following the story and relationship.  There was so much potential here and while it wasn't always clear, I was still drawn to what will happen next and how we'll get the next couple's journey.

*$4.99 on Amazon
 Fight for This: For This Book 1, Suki Fleet

Grey and Si have been dancing around one another for months.

Grey’s helpless attraction to fairies (and one fairy in particular) is a source of endless frustration—but as his energy can damage a fairy’s glamour, he can’t let himself get close.

Si is different to other fairies and he’s wearing down Grey’s defences. When Si discovers the Veil is thinning around the school where they both work—putting the students and teachers there at risk from detection—he needs Grey’s help to fix it.

Problem is, Si isn’t a true fairy, he’s just a magical mistake. For as long as he can remember all his glamour has done is messed up and broken stuff. Though Grey may be older and wiser about a lot of things in the human world, he’s pretty clueless about all things magical. He doesn’t even know the Veil exists until Si knocks himself unconscious trying to save Grey’s reputation after a night out.

But it’s funny how mistakes work out. Even funnier how trusting one another can help even the most impossible events turn out all right.

ARC opportunity provided by Gay Book Promotions

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