Terror by Moonlight: Critter Catchers Book 1, Hank Edwards

Terror By Moonlight (Critter Catchers Book 1) by [Edwards, Hank]

This particular story sets the tone for the series and while I don't think every aspect was pulled off, it was kind of exciting to read when the action was happening, the MC's were becoming interesting, and the will-they-won't-they is at its most basic.

Cody is incredibly childish.  From the way he treats women, Demetrius, and his responsibilities to his childish antics and reactions it's clear that no one, including Demetrius has given him the kick in the pants he needs to grow up.  Not even a werewolf can get him to do it either.  While I don't necessarily like him, I do find myself curious to see when and how he gets his head out of a certain orifice and where it belongs.  I don't think it'll come at a point where it's actually too late, but I'm really hoping to see some serious character evolution with him.

Demetrius is another matter.  I think he's so mired in his own perception of things that he's going to nearly miss all the opportunities to have more with Cody sooner rather than later.  His enabling of his best friend's behavior is going to snap, I can feel it, and I'm hoping the snap comes from his desire to be less of an insecure doormat and not from the paranormal creatures that have a knack for finding and tormenting him and Cody.

The creature aspect was a bit predictable in terms of what we were looking for, but not in the who-is-it bit.  There were intimations a little later in the story, but only after the way-too-obvious-to-be-the-culprit person was brought in to throw us all off.  I was actually hoping the super-obviously-not-the-bad-guy was going to be the bad guy.  Part of me thinks that would have been a good twist because I'd be expecting it to be someone else since the "revelations" were coming on pretty thick.  Having a large group of people know what was actually happening and for the MC's to only discover that fact when things were going down bloody is a thread that may or may not continue throughout the series and I'm curious to see if that'll be brushed under the rug or not.

Overall this was an entertaining story that didn't have a lot of depth but does have potential.  It's an interesting start to say the least.  I'm pretty sure I'll be back for more.

*$2.99 on Amazon
 Terror by Moonlight: Critter Catchers Book 1, Hank Edwards

Cody Bower and Demetrius Singleton have been friends for over twenty years even though they are polar opposites. Cody is tall, handsome, athletic, and straight, and Demetrius is average height, more of a thinker, and gay. They have started an animal control business together and have to figure out how to be business partners without letting it affect their friendship, but that’s the least of their problems. When one of their first clients ends up brutally murdered in what appears to be an animal attack, the two realize something big and dangerous is stalking their tiny town of Parson’s Hollow, and it’s up to them to catch it before it kills again.

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