Dark Alpha's Redemption: Reapers Book 8, Donna Grant

This is the first book that focuses on the new set of Reapers that we learned about in Dark Alpha's Hunger, book six in the overall series. It's there that we first learn about Bradach and why we should be interested in him in the first place. It's only a glimpse, but it does tell us he's loyal, determined, and fierce when necessary. I'll be honest though, the newer Reapers are interesting, but I can't say they drew me in as the first group did...at least not yet.

On his own, Bradach took a lot longer for me to warm up to. Not because he was flawed or bad, just because he was kind of subdued, a whole lot judgy and grudge-holding, and sparse on the details about him and his past that would give us some kind of connection with him. Maeve on the other hand, was fierce, strong-willed, intelligent, vulnerable, caring, complex, and just a strong-as female. Definitely worthy of being a female lead to love from the get-go. She was complex in a way that gave her depth and not ineffective half-assed complications.

One nitpick for me was Bradach's skills. The reason he was chosen for this particular mission was his incredible attention to detail in the broad scope of the bigger picture and his ability to have a level head. They were used only once when that was the push for getting him to agree to the assignment in the first place. It just wasn't enough to prove it was a skill instead of a gut feeling in one instance. The same with his level head. I know Maeve and his attraction to her pretty much knocked him ass over tea kettle, but there were rarely, if any, moments of cool heads and minute detail observations.

The relationship itself was pretty good because both characters held something within them that was just what the other needed. There were moments that Maeve got all hurt when she jumped to conclusions and Bradach denied things for far too long for my liking, but once they were on the same page I was a believer. Their passion was banked but present throughout the story. It was also sufficiently intense in the one brief moment they had a chance to give in.

As for the plot, it hinged on the problem that is the Queen of the Light. She is a problem for everyone in their world and finding out exactly why, what she's up to, and who she's consorting with was the focus. She's ultimately a problem for the Dragon Kings, but because she's a fae she also falls under Death's purview. I loved seeing things ramp up with the confrontation with Usaeil and who all the players will be and why, but unless you've read the other connected series or the other books in this series, it would be difficult to see just why she's such an issue.

If you're reading the Dark Kings series, this story will be an incredible gem for seeing Usaeil in all her "glory", so it may serve as a bit of a spoiler for those who haven't started that series prior to reading this story. This is kind of a standalone, but best if read in order of the Reapers series as it's only a "bonus" for the other connected Dark Kings series.

So while I wasn't immediately drawn in by the newer set of Reapers, I'm invested now and really want to see how each of them find their mates, what dangers they'll face and why, and how the overall story ties them all together.

*$3.99 on Amazon
There is no escaping a Reaper. I am an elite assassin, part of a brotherhood that only answers to Death. And when Death says your time is up, I’m coming for you…

My duty to Death drives me forward. I've never once strayed from my path – not even when the future seemed uncertain. However, Maeve's intelligence, cunning and determination challenges me in ways I never imagined. Finding out what she knows is the key to learning how to conquer our enemy. The Dark Fae breathes new life into me unlike anything I've ever known. For Maeve, I will risk trusting the Dark. For her...I will battle darkness itself.

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