The Winter Quarters, Anna Veriani

 The Winter Quarters, Anna Veriani
 The Winter Quarters, Anna Veriani

Deeply unsatisfied with his life but feeling immense guilt for his dissatisfaction, Kai seeks escape.  It's a good thing his best friend is exactly what his soul needs to find peace and rest.  But Hiro isn't just his best friend, he's also the love of his life.  For one month he can hold his attraction at bay to find solace, right?  Well when that solace combines with finding the place your home was always meant to be, all that's left is for his love to be returned.  Good thing Hiro has a couple secrets of his own to share.

These men.  Seriously.  They were adorable together with a friendship that was so very real, so very warm.  I loved that their evolution was slower with less sexy time in the beginning and middle because the important part of the story was the relationship, but more than that, it was coming to terms with what their individual happiness looked like.  Kai needed to find within himself the stability and love necessary to accept what was on offer from the Asada family.  Hiro needed to stop being resentful of his family and appreciate what Kai was doing for him and to find his own solutions to his romantic dilemma.

It certainly helped that Obaa-chan was the freaking amazing woman she is because she pretty much paved the path for their forever happiness.  Her story was a little bit of a side story yet immensely important to Kai and Hiro's fate.  I loved her so hard right from the very start.  She was the star of the story for me.

The exact right person made the big romantic overtures.  If it was someone else it wouldn't have felt as real as it turned out.  Each character played their role, but sometimes when authors create a slightly more dominant partner whether in attitude, higher self-confidence, or more self-assured, it follows that they would be the ones instigating the big things, the big changes that direct the relationship.  While that was a little present here, it flipped by the end so the person who needed to do the asking was the one who did it.  It was adorably sweet and absolutely perfect for the couple.  I don't know if I could have loved their moment more than I did.

The epilogue was presented in a bit of a unique way and I have to say that it was an interesting way to go about it.  It fit even though it wasn't all sappiness or steam.  The drama that provided the main conflict was addressed in an organic way, that it wasn't too simple nor to complex, and that the solution fit the overall feel of the story.  There weren't any extra bits of drama added in to make things more intense and nothing else was thrown in that could have detracted from the story.  Overall I was happy to have loved this story.  It's definitely going on my re-read shelf.

*$3.99 on Amazon!
 The Winter Quarters, Anna Veriani

Snow, steam, and a second chance.
Reluctant socialite Kai has thirty-five days before his family starts shooting the next season of their reality TV show, revealing a life he’d rather keep private—and one that feels increasingly scripted. Desperately needing a break, Kai escapes to his childhood best friend Hiro Asada’s inn in rural Japan. He finds peace in the thousand-year-old hot springs, but his yearning for Hiro resurfaces at the worst time: Hiro is about to inherit the inn, and his parents expect him to marry within the year.
Hiro’s traditional family loves him for who he is, but they can’t imagine two men running the inn. Meanwhile, Kai has a TV contract his lawyer insists can’t be broken. Hiro and Kai need to think outside the box—and solve their problems before Christmas Day, when Kai’s show shoots its annual holiday special.

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