Matched Intensity: Open Wounds Book 3, Michelle Frost

Matched Intensity (Open Wounds Book 3) by [Frost, Michelle]

Family and secrets tore them apart years ago, the same thing brings them back together.  Rory and Magnus have always known there was only one man who could own their soul, but with all the hurt they might not be able to trust one another with their hearts again.  Finally willing to let down their walls and aim for a new normal, they're at the cusp of beginning something different, better than they had when they were young.  Except a dangerous past comes calling and might keep them from the future they both hoped to forge anew.

Rory had my heart from day one with his fierceness, loyalty, brooding, and quiet strength and love for the Rourkes.  It was clear that he wanted something from Magnus but didn't believe he could have it and was therefore punishing himself.  The impression I had up to this point was that it was Magnus keeping them apart despite Rory's disappearance for a decade.  What we learned here was much more complicated, frustrating, and heartbreaking.

Magnus was the aloof, brooding, and proud brother that was almost more of a mystery to me than Vidar.  The Magnus I met here was nothing like what I imagined up to this point.  I don't know if I like this version better, to be honest.  I will say that I did like how he stuck up for himself, got help, and was trying for honesty with Rory in a way that he was holding back before.

There were so many unanswered questions in this book that I'm feeling quite conflicted about Magnus as well as the relationship's struggles.  My feelings are unresolved by the end and while I do like the men together and have so much hope and love for them going forward, I feel that there's a whole foundation and background that is lacking.  What is this huge, hurtful outburst that happened a year and a half ago?  We didn't get that in Carry & Drag so I'm left mystified about their initial reunion.  What made Magnus go from modeling to porn and why did he make that decision?  I don't remember reading that anywhere before.  Magnus' pride in his porn career is fine, I don't really have a problem with that choice, but it doesn't feel like pride so much as bravado and familial acceptance of his choice.

Overall, this was a good story and I'm so very glad Rory got the man he always wanted, that his heart could truly heal.  I appreciated Rory's honesty regarding Magnus' career consequences and felt that was the most believable outlook he could have had.  The drama was suitably built up but the resolution was a little too clean and quick using something like a deus ex machina, or maybe more like a Rory and Tom ex machina, and it felt a bit cheap and rushed.  I just feel such a disconnect from  Magnus as an individual and from their relationship that I had a hard time coming to terms with their history in order to feel fully invested in their future.  Doesn't mean the story was bad, not at all, it just left me conflicted rather than satisfied.

*$2.99 on Amazon or FREE on KU!
 Matched Intensity: Open Wounds Book 3, Michelle Frost

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