That Old Magic: Cold Case Psychic Spin-Off Novella 4, Pandora Pine

That Old Magic: A Cold Case Psychic Spin Off Novella ( Cold Case Psychic Spin Off Novellas Book 4) by [Pine, Pandora]

A prophecy is only as certain as the participants' actions and Kevin and Jace find out the hard way when the happy future they were sure was theirs crumbles beneath their feet.  A drunken outing has Kevin barging in on Jace's date and it's unclear if they'll ever get it together enough to get back together.  But with both following the sage advice of a certain friend "in the know" they just might get their second chance.  Only time and an honest, determined try will tell whether this chance is the one that sticks or if their future will be written with someone else.

After what we read in Dead in the Water regarding Jace and Kevin's relationship it was very clear that there was a long hard road ahead of them if they wanted their prophecy to come true.  There wasn't much farther for them to fall, honestly.  I still think that by the end of the story there was still a long way to go, that they really made good progress but are nowhere near their HEA.

The focus of this novella was around the relationship and not a side story that really built off of the full series.  There was definitely some angst, some drama, and a bit of hospital time and no Cold Case Psychic book or novella would be complete without those, but what was nice here was that by focusing directly on Kevin and Jace's "will they or won't they make a go of it" we got a bit of a break from the crazy and a lot more questions answered about who these very important side characters are.

As for the drama, it was left a bit open-ended, which I don't know if I liked.  It did, however, give us a glimpse into a similar situation of a visiting presence that both tied in the full series as well as give us one of those heart-squeezing moments that bolsters our hope and faith in Kevin and Jace making things work despite the difficulties ahead.

I was sure that Jace would fail me, that he wouldn't do enough to make up for his actions in Dead in the Water.  While I'm not 100% Team Jace, I'm more of a believer that they could really make their relationship happy and successful.  Kevin was more eager, more willing to lay his heart on the line and that paid off because it gave Jace the courage he needed to start his campaign to win back Kevin's heart.  The way it played out fit both men and I think it worked so well because of Ten and Ronan's meddling and support.  This was a really nice story that is definitely paving the way for what we're sure to see in the rest of the Cold Case Psychic series.

*$3.99 on Amazon or FREE on KU!
 That Old Magic: Cold Case Psychic Spin-Off Novella 4, Pandora Pine

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