Change for You: O'ahu Lovers Book 2, Crystal Lacy

Change for You (Oahu Lovers Book 2) by [Lacy, Crystal]

The plans you make and the people you love don't always mix.  In Stephen's case, his whole life has revolved around his ambition.  It has cost him love and companionship in the past and he's not holding out hope of that ever changing.  In Max's case, his dreams and his reality are the two elements that don't seem to mix.  When he meets Stephen he's attracted for sure, but there's something deeper that calls to him.  As both men navigate the waters of professionalism, desire, and ambition they'll find that change and compromise are what will win them their HEA...but only if they have the courage and determination to do so.

Though we do get an introduction of Stephen in Brave for You we're not given much.  Diving deep right from the get-go from Max's perspective and office gossip the picture that's painted is of a lonely, hard, cold man who has blinders that keep him oblivious to anything and anyone that would distract him from his professional aspirations.  Reality however, shows us a much different man.  He's tired, he's vulnerable, he's scared.  He's also wickedly smart, driven, and controlled.  And Max sees it all, wants it all.

Max is young, definitely, but he's not naive or unaware of the personal ramifications of his romantic interest in Stephen.  What he wants is everything that Stephen is...well, maybe a little more than that.  But it's that little more that throws a wrench or two in the whole thing.  The things he wants aren't unreasonable, but the way he goes about getting them shows his youth and inexperience with romantic hardship.  I do completely appreciate the way he doesn't actually give up ever.  He tries and tries and tries and, even heart-sore, he holds out hope for Stephen to do the trying.

I really enjoyed their resolution.  Stephen's groveling was perfect for their dynamic.  It was heartfelt, honest, earnest, and right for the type of future that was most likely between the men.  For all of Max's lightness and perseverance in the face of Stephen's dumb-head moments, it was actually Stephen that captured my interest the most.  His complexities were believable as well as frustrating and it was his growth, his change, his complete evolution that made the story interesting, made it all work.  Even though I can't say I liked Derek's moments, I did feel that the closure both he and Stephen got was necessary for all the pieces in Stephen's plan to fall into place in his mind before he could make things right with Max.  

Staying true to her writing style, the descriptions in the story were spot-on but were much more to-the-point and focused here in Change for You than in Brave for You.  The characters were vivid and know-able, the food choices were perfection and really apropos for Max's family, and the internal struggles for each character were well-written and in sync with the story's flow and end goal.  Such a great read!  And with the next book's MC subtly and expertly introduced, I'm looking forward to getting my hands on Ready for You this winter.

*$2.99 on Amazon or FREE on KU!
 Change for You: O'ahu Lovers Book 2, Crystal Lacy

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