Teach Me, Piper Lennox

Teach Me by [Lennox, Piper]

Temptation is sweet, giving in is sweeter.  At least it is for Breton and Teague.  Finding one another when they least expect it puts them in a precarious situation but neither one of them are willing to give up the connection they share.  What they give each other is sensually satisfying but it's the deeper feelings that offers salvation and threatens ruin that keep them tethered.

Breton isn't sure what she wants for her future.  Parental pressure is pushing her in two different directions but neither of them feel right.  A relatively new interest in art history, however, isn't all about the art, it's also about the hot teacher.  She's interested, sure, but there's something more that calls to her.

Teague is intrigued by the feisty, strong, intelligent young woman in his class.  Everything she does draws him deeper and deeper into his infatuation and it doesn't take long for both of them to give in to temptation.  Feelings mount and their sensual fantasies made real sink them deeper into something neither of them expected.

When Teague's past proves to be not so in the past and Breton and her roommate do what they must to uncover the truth they know he's hiding it could spell their end with a roar or a sigh, it all depends on what they reveal.

The story seemed interesting because of the dual nature that Teague presents.  He was shy with his advances, not at all like the uber confident, cocky, arrogant professors I've read in other stories.  In fact, his stuttering and tripping over himself was endearing.  Then throw in the fact that his particular brand of kink is not only what Breton truly desires but that it's all about her pleasure?  I'm sold.  I also loved how Breton wasn't willing to let his avoidance and side-stepping stand.  The first scene with her walking out of the classroom, their intelligent chats, her speaking up in class with insight and thought, all of that made for a young yet confident woman that I could grow to like very much.

The story stagnated around 2/3 for me with so much vacillation that I was hoping I could skim to get back to the point of the story.  There were a ton of intense sexual moments and that was fine, but it seemed like the confident woman was slowly taking a back seat to the one who couldn't confront Teague with what she heard and call him on his evasions.  Teague's unwillingness to be truthful was both intensely frustrating and heartbreakingly understandable.  I saw where he was coming from but it's always when you avoid a specific situation with mounting lies that that's exactly the outcome you're creating.  Both of those things drove the plot forward, but it took too long to get there for me.  The angst could have been truncated and the story would have been stronger.

While I was pretty happy with the beginning, the middle frustrated and the very end was a bit disappointing.  The end was more of an HFN hinting at a future HEA but we were left in the middle of the school-fix situation, a still uncertain future for Breton's educational goals, an emotional reveal about Jennifer from Breton, and some vague mentions, not even promises, of what Teague saw for their future.  So what started off strong ended kind of meh.  I'd read more from this author even though this wasn't an awesome book for me because there was potential despite Teach Me not living up to it.

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 Teach Me, Piper Lennox

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