After Sunrise: Never Lose Sight Book 1.5, Leigh Robbins

After Sunrise (A Never Lose Sight Novella) by [Robbins, Leigh]

This is a good prequel. We get some of Brett and Lauren's story in the periphery of Darkness Before Dawn so it was a great chance to delve deeper and see the beginning of their story. It was heartbreaking as much as it was passionate and stimulating. There's so much to like here but also a lot to hope is overcome.

Lauren is in a tough place emotionally and there's so much to process. Bringing her out of that for a few precious days is Brett. He's light and angst, fun and seriousness, lust and love. Everything happens so quickly and she knows it's crazy but can't help feeling that this is right, it's where her life is supposed to go. The quickness of their courtship also comes with the negative aspect of not having enough time to build trust and an unshakable foundation when trials come. Her immaturity and mulish tenacity to not even try to read beyond the first sentence of confirmation is beyond frustrating. I don't blame her for one moment for being hurt and upset. I do, however, blame her for being unwilling to listen. She's so quick to condemn him. She could have read his explanation and then decided she was still done but she didn't, she chose rather to inflict pain and possibly cause irreparable harm to something that could be wonderful. Everyone needs to learn from their mistakes though, right? I hope for her redemption in their sequel.

Brett was impulsive and I feel for him. I hope for his sake that he can make his case and win Lauren over and that they find a more mature and lasting love than their time in Germany allowed them.

*3.00 on Amazon!
 After Sunrise: Never Lose Sight Book 1.5, Leigh Robbins

*Get to know Lauren's brother Matt and his struggles for
love and healing in Darkness Before Dawn
Darkness Before Dawn (A Military Romance) (Never Lose Sight Book 1) by [Robbins, Leigh]
Darkness Before Dawn: Never Lose Sight Book 1, Leigh Robbins
Blinded in Iraq while in the Marines, Matthew Cage never realized the key to unlocking his forever midnight world was within arm’s reach.

Dawn Richards first saw her best friend’s older brother via webcam. For years, she secretly desired him, keeping her fantasies hidden from the rest of the world.

After a downward spiral, Matthew secluded himself in his prison of darkness, but his sister and friends helped him find his way. Having worked hard to become a Master Instructor in Close Quarters Combat, Matthew's world seems normal until tragedy strikes. 

When Dawn’s life is threatened, Matthew refuses to let her deal with it alone. Can Dawn trust him to protect her? Will Matthew finally believe he can have sunshine in his world?

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